scholarly journals The Retrieval of Effective Particle Radius and Liquid Water Path of Low-Level Marine Clouds from NOAA AVHRR Data

2000 ◽  
Vol 39 (7) ◽  
pp. 999-1016 ◽  
Makoto Kuji ◽  
Tadahiro Hayasaka ◽  
Nobuyuki Kikuchi ◽  
Teruyuki Nakajima ◽  
Masayuki Tanaka
2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (19) ◽  
pp. 14253-14269 ◽  
Christopher Dearden ◽  
Adrian Hill ◽  
Hugh Coe ◽  
Tom Choularton

Abstract. Large-eddy simulations are performed to investigate the influence of cloud microphysics on the evolution of low-level clouds that form over southern West Africa during the monsoon season. We find that, even in clouds that are not precipitating, the size of cloud droplets has a non-negligible effect on liquid water path. This is explained through the effects of droplet sedimentation, which acts to remove liquid water from the entrainment zone close to cloud top, increasing the liquid water path. Sedimentation also produces a more heterogeneous cloud structure and lowers cloud base height. Our results imply that an appropriate parameterization of the effects of sedimentation is required to improve the representation of the diurnal cycle of the atmospheric boundary layer over southern West Africa in large-scale models.

2014 ◽  
Vol 53 (12) ◽  
pp. 2775-2789 ◽  
Joseph Sedlar

AbstractObservations of cloud properties and thermodynamics from two Arctic locations, Barrow, Alaska, and Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic (SHEBA), are examined. A comparison of in-cloud thermodynamic mixing characteristics for low-level, single-layer clouds from nearly a decade of data at Barrow and one full annual cycle over the sea ice at SHEBA is performed. These cloud types occur relatively frequently, evident in 27%–30% of all cloudy cases. To understand the role of liquid water path (LWP), or lack thereof, on static in-cloud mixing, cloud layers are separated into optically thin and optically thick LWP subclasses. Clouds with larger LWPs tend to have a deeper in-cloud mixed layer relative to optically thinner clouds. However, both cloud LWP subclasses are frequently characterized by an in-cloud stable layer above the mixed layer top. The depth of the stable layer generally correlates with an increased temperature gradient across the layer. This layer often contains a specific humidity inversion, but it is more frequently present when cloud LWP is optically thinner (LWP < 50 g m−2). It is suggested that horizontal thermodynamic advection plays a key role modifying the vertical extent of in-cloud mixing and likewise the depth of in-cloud stable layers. Furthermore, longwave atmospheric opacity above the cloud top is generally enhanced during cases with optically thinner clouds. Thermodynamic advection, cloud condensate distribution within the stable layer, and enhanced atmospheric radiation above the cloud are found to introduce a thermodynamic–radiative feedback that potentially modifies the extent of LWP and subsequent in-cloud mixing.

2018 ◽  
Christopher Dearden ◽  
Adrian Hill ◽  
Hugh Coe ◽  
Tom Choularton

Abstract. Large eddy simulations are performed to investigate the influence of cloud microphysics on the evolution of low level clouds that form over southern West Africa during the monsoon season. We find that, even in clouds that are not precipitating, the size of cloud droplets has a non-negligible effect on liquid water path. This is explained through the effects of droplet sedimentation, which acts to remove liquid water from the entrainment zone close to cloud top, increasing liquid water path. Sedimentation also produces a more heterogeneous cloud structure and lowers cloud base height. Our results imply that an appropriate parameterization of the effects of sedimentation is required to improve the representation of the diurnal cycle of the atmospheric boundary layer over southern West Africa in large-scale models.

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 4307-4323
P. Wu ◽  
X. Dong ◽  
B. Xi

Abstract. In this study, we retrieve and document drizzle properties, and investigate the impact of drizzle on cloud property retrievals from ground-based measurements at the ARM Azores site from June 2009 to December 2010. For the selected cloud and drizzle samples, the drizzle occurrence is 42.6% with a maximum of 55.8% in winter and a minimum of 35.6% in summer. The annual means of drizzle liquid water path LWPd, effective radius rd, and number concentration Nd for the rain (virga) samples are 5.48 (1.29) g m−2, 68.7 (39.5) μm, and 0.14 (0.38) cm−3. The seasonal mean LWPd values are less than 4% of the MWR-retrieved LWP values. The annual mean differences in cloud-droplet effective radius with and without drizzle are 0.12 and 0.38 μm, respectively, for the virga and rain samples. Therefore, we conclude that the impact of drizzle on cloud property retrievals is insignificant at the ARM Azores site.

2015 ◽  
Vol 54 (8) ◽  
pp. 1809-1825 ◽  
Yaodeng Chen ◽  
Hongli Wang ◽  
Jinzhong Min ◽  
Xiang-Yu Huang ◽  
Patrick Minnis ◽  

AbstractAnalysis of the cloud components in numerical weather prediction models using advanced data assimilation techniques has been a prime topic in recent years. In this research, the variational data assimilation (DA) system for the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model (WRFDA) is further developed to assimilate satellite cloud products that will produce the cloud liquid water and ice water analysis. Observation operators for the cloud liquid water path and cloud ice water path are developed and incorporated into the WRFDA system. The updated system is tested by assimilating cloud liquid water path and cloud ice water path observations from Global Geostationary Gridded Cloud Products at NASA. To assess the impact of cloud liquid/ice water path data assimilation on short-term regional numerical weather prediction (NWP), 3-hourly cycling data assimilation and forecast experiments with and without the use of the cloud liquid/ice water paths are conducted. It is shown that assimilating cloud liquid/ice water paths increases the accuracy of temperature, humidity, and wind analyses at model levels between 300 and 150 hPa after 5 cycles (15 h). It is also shown that assimilating cloud liquid/ice water paths significantly reduces forecast errors in temperature and wind at model levels between 300 and 150 hPa. The precipitation forecast skills are improved as well. One reason that leads to the improved analysis and forecast is that the 3-hourly rapid update cycle carries over the impact of cloud information from the previous cycles spun up by the WRF Model.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-48
Yi Ming

Abstract A negative shortwave cloud feedback associated with higher extratropical liquid water content in mixed-phase clouds is a common feature of global warming simulations, and multiple mechanisms have been hypothesized. A set of process-level experiments performed with an idealized global climate model (a dynamical core with passive water and cloud tracers and full Rotstayn-Klein single-moment microphysics) show that the common picture of the liquid water path (LWP) feedback in mixed-phase clouds being controlled by the amount of ice susceptible to phase change is not robust. Dynamic condensate processes—rather than static phase partitioning—directly change with warming, with varied impacts on liquid and ice amounts. Here, three principal mechanisms are responsible for the LWP response, namely higher adiabatic cloud water content, weaker liquid-to-ice conversion through the Bergeron-Findeisen process, and faster melting of ice and snow to rain. Only melting is accompanied by a substantial loss of ice, while the adiabatic cloud water content increase gives rise to a net increase in ice water path (IWP) such that total cloud water also increases without an accompanying decrease in precipitation efficiency. Perturbed parameter experiments with a wide range of climatological LWP and IWP demonstrate a strong dependence of the LWP feedback on the climatological LWP and independence from the climatological IWP and supercooled liquid fraction. This idealized setup allows for a clean isolation of mechanisms and paints a more nuanced picture of the extratropical mixed-phase cloud water feedback than simple phase change.

2018 ◽  
Vol 31 (21) ◽  
pp. 8705-8718 ◽  
Bida Jian ◽  
Jiming Li ◽  
Guoyin Wang ◽  
Yongli He ◽  
Ying Han ◽  

Planetary albedo (PA; shortwave broadband albedo) and its long-term variations, which are controlled in a complex way by various atmospheric and surface properties, play a key role in controlling the global and regional energy budget. This study investigates the contributions of different atmospheric and surface properties to the long-term variations of PA based on 13 years (2003–15) of albedo, cloud, and ice coverage datasets from the Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) Single Scanner Footprint edition 4A product, vegetation product from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), and surface albedo product from the Cloud, Albedo, and Radiation dataset, version 2 (CLARA-A2). According to the temporal correlation analysis, statistical results indicate that variations in PA are closely related to the variations of cloud properties (e.g., cloud fraction, ice water path, and liquid water path) and surface parameters (e.g., ice/snow percent coverage and normalized difference vegetation index), but their temporal relationships vary among the different regions. Generally, the stepwise multiple linear regression models can capture the observed PA anomalies for most regions. Based on the contribution calculation, cloud fraction dominates the variability of PA in the mid- and low latitudes while ice/snow percent coverage (or surface albedo) dominates the variability in the mid- and high latitudes. Changes in cloud liquid water path and ice water path are the secondary dominant factor over most regions, whereas change in vegetation cover is the least important factor over land. These results verify the effects of atmospheric and surface factors on planetary albedo changes and thus may be of benefit for improving the parameterization of the PA and determining the climate feedbacks.

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